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[新药快讯] 2014-12-10国内、国际信息大拼盘

xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:42:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:reuters  



   诺华表示,在一项后期试验中,其开发的安进非格司亭Filgrastim 仿制药用于低白细胞计数患者时效果与原研药物类似。这款药物由诺华仿制药部门Sandoz制造,其正被测试用于经历化疗的乳腺癌患者,化疗通常会影响患者的白细胞计数,引起嗜中性白血球减少症。




http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USKBN0JM0Q920141208


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donglianglyf 发表于 2014-12-11 08:31:16 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:49:40 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷






研究中,除了接受cDMARDs背景疗法外,患者还接受每日一次baricitinib或安慰剂治疗。研究结果表明,治疗12周后,与安慰剂相比,baricitinib达到了改善ACR20反应的主要终点。安全性方面,baricitinib的副作用与安慰剂相似,常见的不良反应包括头痛,上呼吸道感染和鼻咽炎。RA-BEACON研究是baricitinib III期项目的首个关键研究。礼来将于2015年在科学会议上公布数个关键III期试验的数据。。




英文原文:Lilly and Incyte's oral arthritis drug aces its first Phase III test

A new rheumatoid arthritis pill from Eli Lilly ($LLY) and Incyte ($INCY) beat out placebo in a pivotal trial, the first late-stage success for a drug the companies hope can carve out a space in a crowded market.

In a Phase III trial on 527 RA patients who failed on TNF inhibitors like Enbrel and Humira, Lilly and Incyte's baricitinib met its main goal of significantly improving disease score compared to placebo. On the safety side, baricitinib's side effect profile was similar to placebo, the companies said, with common adverse events including headache, upper respiratory tract infection and nasopharyngitis. The partners are releasing only top-line results for now, planning to divulge full data at a scientific meeting next year.

The success allows Lilly and Incyte to check the first box in their 3,000-patient late-stage program, which includes four ongoing trials in the U.S. and one in China. The two expect to complete the first four studies by the end of 2015, mapping a path to regulators from there.

"People with rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate response to TNF inhibitors are generally considered to be the least responsive to subsequent treatments," Lilly Senior Vice President David Ricks said in a statement. "These results give us further confidence in the potential for baricitinib to be a meaningful treatment option for those suffering from this debilitating condition."

And unlike the injected TNF blockers that have brought in billions for AbbVie ($ABBV) and Amgen ($AMGN), baricitinib is an oral JAK inhibitor designed to block inflammatory signaling and treat the underlying cause of immune diseases including RA, all without the need for needles.

Meanwhile, JAK inhibitors for inflammatory disease have lost some of their luster of late, as Pfizer's ($PFE) Xeljanz has failed to catch on as quickly as analysts expected when it won approval in 2012, and Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ) has walked away from a nearly $1 billion deal with Astellas covering a similar treatment called ASP015K.

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:49:06 | 只看该作者
Bluebird新型罕见贫血症药物LentiGlobin BB305临床研究进展顺利


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:新药汇

Bluebird新型罕见贫血症药物LentiGlobin BB305临床研究进展顺利。


Bluebird公司最近透露,公司开发的用于治疗一种罕见遗传性血液疾病--重型β-地中海贫血症--的药物LentiGlobin BB305临床研究进展顺利。


LentiGlobin BB305利用经过修饰的慢病毒向患者体内输送正常基因片段,通过重组,能够使患者正常表达该基因产物。在今年的美国血液学会年会上,公司报告了使用其疗法的四名患者的状况,数据显示,在接受治疗后长达三个月的时间内,这些患者的病情都得到了明显的改善。而随后,Bluebird公司又公布了关于LentiGlobin BB305的另一项临床前期研究,在这一研究中,使用了这种药物的两名患者体内产生的β-球蛋白水平明显提升,且药物的时效分别达到了5个月和3个月。同时这些患者中并未观察到有明显副作用。这一消息无疑激励了投资者的热情,促使公司股价大涨。

不同于其他的基因疗法,LentiGlobin BB305并未直接将基因插入到患者细胞内,而是通过先分离患者的一部分造血干细胞,将正常β-球蛋白替换到这些细胞中,从而达到治疗效果。这样一方面便于研究人员控制基因的输送,另一方面也能明显降低这一药物潜在的副作用。根据BlueBird公司估计,全世界每年会有4万名新生儿患有这种罕见病。



Bluebird bio's experimental therapy for the genetic blood disorder beta-thalassemia major is working just as the biotech ($BLUE) planned, using a single dose to wean two more patients off of the chronic transfusions required to treat the disease.

The disorder results from a defective beta-globin gene that stops patients from producing the hemoglobin they need, often resulting in symptoms like severe anemia and an enlarged spleen. Bluebird's treatment, LentiGlobin BB305, uses a modified lentivirus to deliver a corrective copy of the gene through a one-time infusion, ideally getting beta-thalassemia major patients back to manufacturing beta-globin on their own.

And, so far, LentiGlobin BB305 is doing exactly that. In preliminary results presented at the annual the American Society of Hematology meeting, the first four patients treated with bluebird's therapy remain transfusion-free after at least three months follow up, affirming the treatment's promise as a functional cure for the disease. That adds two more transfusion-free patients to the two bluebird disclosed over the summer, news that sent its shares up more than 50% in June. Bluebird's latest updat boosted its stock price as much as 40% after hours on Monday.

The new data come from two ongoing studies of LentiGlobin BB305. In the latest, bluebird has dosed 5 patients with beta-thalassemia major, finding that the first two are producing increasing amounts of beta-globin and have been transfusion-free for 5 and 3 months, respectively. The remaining three subjects need more time before bluebird can draw any conclusions on efficacy, the company said.

In the second study, involving two beta-thalassemia major patients and one with severe sickle cell disease, the two previously discussed subjects are still churning out beta-globin and remain free of the need for transfusions for 12 and 9 months, respectively. As for the sickle cell patient, bluebird said it's still too early to make efficacy inferences.

LentiGlobin BB305 has so far been well tolerated across both studies, the company said, with no gene therapy-related serious adverse events observed.

Now bluebird, a 2012 Fierce 15 honoree, is working to complete enrollment in both studies next year, targeting 22 patients in total. As the data on LentiGlobin BB305 mature, the biotech plans to start working with experts, patient groups and authorities to map out a regulatory plan for the treatment, Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Davidson said.

LentiGlobin BB305 differs from many of the other gene therapies in development around the world, which involve inserting corrective genes directly into a patient. Instead, bluebird's method works by removing a patient's hematopoietic stem cells, equipping them with a functional beta-globin gene and then reinserting them through infusion.

about 40,000 children are born with beta-thalassemia around the world each year, according to bluebird.

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:48:28 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:医药经济报









  但是王博士安静的研究生活不久前被打破了。一年来,他先后接受数家媒体的采访,应邀在国际会议上作报告,并被国际医药巨头辉瑞公司聘为资深研究员(Senior Research Fellow),因为他多年来所负责研发的一个癌症免疫治疗抗体Nivolumab, 刚刚在日本得到批准。美国FDA和欧洲 EMA也已经将其认定为“突破性治疗”(Breakthrough Therapy Designation)药物而给与“加速审批 ”(Accelerated Review)。

  如果按程序,明年三月底该药会得到FDA的批准, Nivolumab 也将成为第三个得到快速批准的新一代癌症免疫治疗药物。在这之前,FDA先后在2011年时批准了BMS公司Ipilimumab的上市申请,并在今年九月,提前两个月快速批准了Merk公司Pembrolizumab的上市。Pembrolizumab从第一次进入人体试验到FDA批准上市,只有短短的三年半时间。

  这类抗体药物能得到如此快速的批准主要是由于早期临床试验中表现出的惊人疗效。拿王博士研发的Nivolumab来说, 在针对已经使用过其它治疗方法的转移性黑色素瘤患者的临床试验中,应答率达到32%,同时在统计数据时,95%的患者依然存活。同样,刚刚被批准的Pembrolizumab的应答率达到24%,而86% 患者在统计数据时依然存活。这样的治疗结果在癌症新药开发上已经很长时间没有看到了。这也就是为什么FDA要将这几个药定位为“突破性治疗”而给与 “加速审批”。



  它们的“靶点”是一类位于细胞生长“稽查点”(check point) 上的蛋白。想象一下你在公路上驾车,突然前方出现几个警察把路拦住,请你接受“醉驾检查”,这就是一种“稽查点”。和警察在公路上“稽查”类似,细胞在生长过程中,也会有一些“稽查点”来检查细胞的生长是否正常。如果“稽查点”的“警察”发现有不正常现象,轻则让细胞停止生长,重则让细胞进入一条指定的“死亡之路”而自我摧毁。这种自杀性死亡的专业名称是“程序性死亡”(Programmed Death)。


  负责这两个功能的蛋白就好像是汽车里的油门和刹车。如果我们的油门不足或刹车过度,车子就无法前行。从免疫学上说,机体就会对病源体产生“耐受”(Tolerance)。如果事情相反,油门大开,刹车失效,就可能翻车。从免疫学上说,机体就会产生“自身免疫疾病”(Autoimmune Disease)。只有当这两个功能配合协调时,我们才能安全地驾车前行。


  BMS公司的Nivolumab和Merk公司的Pembrolizumab 都是作用在T细胞表面的一个“稽查点”PD-1。PD-1是一个“抑制性”的“稽查点”,如果激活PD-1, T细胞就会停止分裂,进入休眠状态。很多癌症细胞表面都表达有大量的PD-1配体 ,即PD-L1和PD-L2。这些配体的作用就像是一把钥匙,当T细胞接近癌症细胞时,PD-L1 和PD-L2就会与PD-1结合,把T细胞“锁住”。从而让癌细胞逃过免疫系统的“稽查”。

  明白了这一点,免疫治疗药物创新的路子就很明确了,即阻断PD-L1和PD-1的结合。Nivolumab和Pembrolizumab的作用就是与T细胞表面的PD-1结合,从而阻断配体 PD-L1或PD-L2 的结合。最先获得FDA批准的另一个抗体Ipilimumab,是与另一个抑制性“稽查点”CTLA-4结合,同样也能阻断免疫细胞和癌症细胞的配体结合。这几个药物临床实验的惊人疗效证明,阻断癌症细胞对免疫细胞的抑制作用,可以大大提高机体消灭癌症细胞的能力,且这一作用大大超过了我们过去对“免疫治疗”的期望。虽然目前的临床试验仍是在已经经过其他药物治疗后的患者中进行,但很多临床医生已经主张将免疫治疗从过去的“后援治疗”提高到“一线作战”的地位。

  目前除了这三个“领军”新药外,还有很多的免疫治疗单抗和疫苗在临床试验中。一波新型的免疫治疗新药的出现已经是可以预料了。而从 “细胞杀伤”到“免疫治疗”,这个理念的转变很不容易。长期以来,癌症新药开发的主流思路是直接杀伤癌细胞,无论是非特异性地或特异性的。近二十年来,在这种思路下开发的众多小分子激酶抑制剂,或癌症表面受体的抗体等,虽然大大提高了癌症治疗的效果,但是不能解决要根治癌症的问题,也不能应对癌症细胞在治疗过程中发生的“变异”问题。很显然,最终战胜癌症的武器掌握在我们自己手中。


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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:47:51 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷  




阿斯利康与Nektar对naloxegol充满了信心,坚信该药将为双方带来丰厚的回报。有分析师预计,阿片诱导性便秘(OIC)市场到2017年将达到19.8亿美元。尽管主要对手Salix Pharmaceuticals公司类似产品Relistor于今年9月底获FDA批准用于OIC,但该药是一种皮下注射药物。naloxegol具有口服的独特优势,这一特性将使Relistor难以与naloxegol抗衡。但由于阿斯利康与Nektar计划于2015年上半年才将naloxegol推向市场,因此Salix还有一些时间去说服医生和患者使用Relistor治疗OIC。

不过,即便没有Relistor的竞争,阿斯利康也会面对Sucampo公司已上市产品Amitiza的竞争,该药是一种氯离子通道激活剂,于2013年获FDA批准。此外,抗生素巨头Cubist也在销售一种μ-阿片受体拮抗剂Entereg,尽管该药目前尚未收获OIC适应症。但近日美国制药巨头默沙东(Merck & Co)宣布95亿美元收购Cubist,势必会加速开发Entereg的OIC适应症。同时,默沙东拥有强大的商业化网络,在今后必将对阿斯利康在OIC领域的地位形成威胁。

naloxegol III期项目:



英文原文:MOVENTIG® approved in the European unio for opioid-induced constipation

First in class treatment approved for adult patients with opioid-induced constipation who have had an inadequate response to laxatives

AstraZeneca today announced that MOVENTIG® (naloxegol) has been granted Marketing Authorisation by the European Commission (EC) for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to laxative(s). MOVENTIG is the first once-daily oral peripherally-acting mu-opioid receptor antagonist (PAMORA) to be approved in the European unio (EU).

Opioids play an important role in chronic pain relief and work by binding to mu-receptors in the central nervous system, but they also bind to mu-receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, which can result in patients suffering from OIC.

Briggs Morrison, Executive Vice President, Global Medicines Development & Chief Medical Officer, AstraZeneca, said: “Constipation is one of the most common side effects for those using opioid pain medication. We’re very pleased to have received marketing authorisation for MOVENTIG, as it allows us to offer a new treatment option for the millions of patients across Europe who suffer from opioid-induced constipation and haven’t responded to laxatives.”

The approval of MOVENTIG was based on data from the KODIAC clinical programme, which was comprised of four studies: KODIAC-4, -5, -7 and -8. KODIAC-4 and -5 were both placebo controlled, double-blind, 12 week studies assessing safety and efficacy, while KODIAC-7 was a 12 week safety extension to KODIAC-4, and KODIAC-8 was a 52 week open label, long-term safety study.

The EC marketing authorisation applies to all member states of the EU, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein. Today’s announcement follows the approval on 16 September 2014 of MOVANTIKTM (naloxegol) tablets by the US Food and Drug Administration, as the first once-daily PAMORA for the treatment of OIC in adult patients with chronic non-cancer pain.


about MOVENTIG® (naloxegol)

MOVENTIG is a peripherally-acting mu-opioid receptor antagonist (PAMORA) specifically designed for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in adult patients on prescription opioid pain medicines. In Phase III clinical studies, MOVENTIG was administered as a once-daily tablet and was designed to block the binding of opioids to opioid receptors in tissues such as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

The KODIAC clinical programme was comprised of four studies: KODIAC-4, -5, -7 and -8. KODIAC-4 and -5 were identically designed, placebo controlled, double-blind, 12 week studies assessing safety and efficacy, while KODIAC-7 was a 12 week safety extension to KODIAC-4, and KODIAC-8 was a 52 week long-term safety study.

MOVENTIG is part of the exclusive worldwide licence agreement announced on 21 September 2009 between AstraZeneca and Nektar Therapeutics. MOVENTIG was developed using Nektar’s oral small molecule polymer conjugate technology.

about AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, inflammation, autoimmune, oncology, infection and neuroscience diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For more information please visit: www.astrazeneca.com

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:47:17 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷  



1180亿美元收购阿斯利康未能如愿,辉瑞不得已转身离开,同时开始重金打造自己的免疫肿瘤学产品组合。继上个月与德国制药巨头默克(Merck KGaA)签订28.5亿美元合作协议宣布进入免疫肿瘤学领域。近日,辉瑞又与比利时生物技术公司iTeos Therapeutics签署全球独家授权协议,获得了数个免疫肿瘤学早期资产。该笔战略合作,标志着辉瑞继续努力打造自身免疫肿瘤学产品组合的又一重要举措,同时也折射出辉瑞不甘落后努力追赶该领域其他对手的决心。







英文原文:Pfizer strikes another immunotherapy deal to widen its oncology pipeline

With its designs on AstraZeneca ($AZN) at least temporarily abandoned, Pfizer ($PFE) has set out to create an immuno-oncology portfolio of its own, signing a deal with a Belgian biotech to get its hands on treatments that promise to sharpen the body's anticancer weaponry.

Pfizer has agreed to pay iTeos Therapeutics

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:46:39 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷


安进(Amgen)与默沙东(Merck & Co)达成合作,计划启动一项I期临床试验,评估安进癌症疫苗T-vec(talimogene laherparepvec)与默沙东PD-1免疫疗法Keytruda(pembrolizumab)联合治疗转移性黑色素瘤。目前该I期试验已招募到首例患者,双方计划招募约110例患者,在美国、澳大利亚、欧洲35个临床试验基地评估T-vec/Keytruda抗癌免疫鸡尾酒疗法。


早前,癌症疫苗概念一经提出,便获得业界广泛关注,这种新颖疗法旨在利用肿瘤抗原激活人体免疫系统攻击癌细胞,从而改变疾病病程。然而事实证明并非如此,癌细胞能够避机体免疫侦察,这就意味着,如果癌症疫苗在很大程度上错过了靶标,单靠发动更强的免疫冲击是不够的。默克(Merck KGaA)的癌症疫苗Stimuvax和葛兰素史克(GSK)的癌症疫苗MEGA-A3都在大型III期临床惨遭失败,就是2个非常好的例子。今年4月,安进溶瘤免疫疗法T-vec在黑色素瘤关键III期临床中尽管缩小了肿瘤体积也触发了系统性免疫反应,但却未能显著改善总生存期(OS),也是一个很好的例证。








Talimogene laherparepvec(T-Vec)是一种实验性溶瘤免疫疗法(oncolytic immunotherapy),是一种基因工程化的病毒,能够表达GM-CFS。T-Vec直接注射入肿瘤,并能够在肿瘤细胞中复制直至细胞膜破裂及死亡(即细胞裂解),同时能够在肿瘤组织局部释放GM-CSF,这是一种白细胞生长因子,能够激活系统性免疫反应。T-Vec通过2种重要且互补的方式发挥作用:引发肿瘤组织溶解,同时激发一种全身性的抗肿瘤免疫反应。






英文原文:New Trial Initiated evaluating Amgen's Talimogene Laherparepvec In Combination With Merck's Anti-PD-1 Therapy KEYTRUDA® (Pembrolizumab) For Advanced Melanoma

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) today announced the initiation of a trial of talimogene laherparepvec, an investigational oncolytic immunotherapy, in combination with an investigational use of Merck's U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, anti-PD-1 therapy, KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in patients with regionally or distantly metastatic melanoma. The trial has enrolled its first patient and will evaluate the combination of these two therapies in approximately 110 patients across 35 clinical trial sites in the U.S., Australia and Europe.

"Data from this trial will help us further understand the safety and efficacy that comes from combining two immunotherapeutic agents," said F. Stephen Hodi, M.D., director of the Melanoma Center and the Center for Immuno-oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Steering Committee Chair for this study. "Talimogene laherparepvec is designed to promote tumor antigen release and presentation to initiate an anti-tumor immune response, which may be complementary to KEYTRUDA's role in releasing PD-1 pathway-mediated inhibition of anti-tumor immune responses. Antigen release and presentation is a fundamental step required for mounting a systemic effect against melanoma, and we think there is a strong rationale for combining the oncolytic immunotherapy talimogene laherparepvec with the immune checkpoint inhibitor KEYTRUDA."

"This new trial underscores our commitment to researching different treatment approaches for patients with this aggressive and highly recurrent form of skin cancer," said Sean E. Harper, M.D., executive vice president of Research and Development at Amgen.  "We are excited to partner with Merck and explore the potential of talimogene laherparepvec and KEYTRUDA.  This will also give us insights into talimogene laherparepvec beyond the monotherapy setting, wher a Phase 3 trial has shown encouraging results."

"Merck is advancing the study of immuno-oncology combinations with KEYTRUDA across a broad range of malignancies," said Dr.Eric Rubin, vice president, Clinical Development for Oncology, Merck Research Laboratories. "We are pleased to collaborate with Amgen to evaluate the potential of KEYTRUDA and talimogene laherparepvec as a combination regimen for the treatment of advanced melanoma."

A Biologics License Application has recently been accepted for review by the FDA as has a Marketing Authorization Application in the European unio for talimogene laherparepvec for the treatment of patients with regionally or distantly metastatic melanoma.  FDA has set a review goal date under the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of July 28, 2015.

The regulatory filings included data from more than 400 patients and is based on a global, randomized, open-label Phase 3 trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of intralesional talimogene laherparepvec in patients with stage IIIB, IIIC, or IV melanoma that are not surgically resectable compared to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). An Amgen-sponsored expanded access protocol (EAP) is currently active for qualified patients with unresected, stage IIIB to IV melanoma who are not eligible for or who cannot access ongoing talimogene laherparepvec trials.

about the Combination Trial
The multicenter, open-label clinical trial is designed to evaluate the safety of talimogene laherparepvec in combination with KEYTRUDA, as well as the efficacy of this combination versus KEYTRUDA alone and following progression after treatment with KEYTRUDA alone.

The study will be conducted in two phases:

Phase 1 will determine the safety and tolerability of talimogene laherparepvec in combination with KEYTRUDA in patients with previously untreated, unresected, stage IIIB to IVM1c melanoma.
The randomized phase will further evaluate the safety and efficacy of talimogene laherparepvec in combination with KEYTRUDA.
about Talimogene Laherparepvec
Talimogene laherparepvec is an investigational oncolytic immunotherapy designed to selectively replicate in tumors (but not normal tissue) and to initiate an immune response to target cancer cells that have metastasized. Talimogene laherparepvec was designed to work in two important and complementary ways. First, it is injected directly into tumors wher it replicates inside the tumor's cells causing the cell to rupture and die in a process called lysis. Then, the rupture of the cancer cells can release tumor-derived antigens, along with GM-CSF, that can stimulate a system-wide immune response wher white blood cells are able to seek out and target cancer that has spread throughout the body.

Amgen has initiated a comprehensive clinical development program for talimogene laherparepvec in metastatic melanoma, which includes combination studies with checkpoint inhibitors in patients with late-stage disease and monotherapy prior to surgery (neoadjuvant) in patients with resectable disease. Additionally, based on its mechanism of action, talimogene laherparepvec has the potential to be studied in a variety of solid tumor types.

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:45:52 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷  










英文原文:Novartis lays off 200 primary care reps as it preps for megablockbuster LCZ696 rollout

Even a megablockbuster launch isn't enough to save Novartis ($NVS) sales reps targeted for job cuts. The company is laying off 200 primary care sales folks in New Jersey as it rejigs its sales operation and prepares to launch LCZ696, a hotly anticipated heart failure drug.

Novartis is creating a new cardiovascular commando unit, staffing it mostly with employees who'd been working in its primary-care field force, the company said in a statement. That new CV field force will be handling the company's "most exciting launch" ever, in the words of Novartis pharma chief David Epstein, assuming LCZ696 wins FDA approval. Armed with some unprecedented data in heart failure, the drug is poised to soar to blockbuster sales, analysts figure, with some estimates putting peak sales above $6 billion.

But the new CV unit won't need quite as many people on the ground, even with the big rollout coming. Specialists will be prescribing LCZ696, so it won't need the same level of sales support as a drug handled by primary-care doctors. "[O]ur anticipated needs in heart failure do not line up exactly with our previous needs in primary care so some positions are being eliminated," spokeswoman Julie Masow said in an emailed statement.

The company is laying off 200 workers and cutting some vacant positions to reduce its roster by 243 jobs. The employees who'll lose their jobs have already been notified. They'll receive severance pay and outplacement services, and can apply for other jobs elsewher in Novartis, the company said.

The Swiss drugmaker has been restructuring to focus on its strengths and bail out of weaker businesses, selling off some units while building up others via M&A. In October, the company's U.S. operation scrapped its previous sales structure to create three disease-based units, including one focused on cardiovascular and respiratory products. The new CV field force is part of that unit.

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:45:23 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:生物谷  



单抗生物制品堪称药品市场的一座金矿。近年来,随着大批单抗品牌药面临专利悬崖,生物仿制药正呈现井喷式增长,全球已掀起了生物药仿制热潮。继上周美国仿制药商Epirus与印度合作伙伴兰伯西(Ranbaxy)在印度推出首个类克(Remicade)生物仿制药Infimab。本周,印度另一家仿制药商Cadila Healthcare宣布在印度推出全球首个Humira(修美乐)生物仿制药Exemptia。




未来5年,将有数个最畅销的重磅生物药失去专利保护。根据路透社BioWorld,到2020年生物仿制药市场将达到250亿美元。在全球范围内,有数百家药企正在竞相开发生物仿制药,包括印度仿制药商雷迪博士(Dr Reddy)、西普拉(Cipla)和鲁宾制药(Lupin)。

英文原文:India's Cadila launches first cheaper copy of world's top-selling drug

MUMBAI, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Indian drugmaker Cadila Healthcare Ltd said on Tuesday it launched in India the first biosimilar version of the anti-inflammatory medicine adalimumab, the world's top-selling drug, at a fifth of its U.S. price.

The drug's branded version is sold under the name Humira by U.S. firm AbbVie Inc, and costs $1,000 for a vial in the United States. Humira had sales of $3.26 billion in the quarter ended September, accounting for 65 percent of AbbVie's total revenue.

A price of $200 a vial would still keep the drug out of reach for most people in India, wher more than 70 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day and health insurance is scarce.

Biosimilars are cheaper copies of biotech drugs - medicines made from proteins and other large molecules.

Cadila expects sales of between 1 billion rupees ($16.16 million) and 2 billion rupees from its biosimilar of Humira in the Indian market, Deputy Managing Director Sharvil Patel told Reuters.

The company will launch its version under the name Exemptia for treating diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.

about 12 million people in India suffer from these disorders, Cadila said in a statement.

"We are working towards being among the first wave of the launch of this drug's biosimilars globally," Patel said, adding he does not expect any domestic competition on the drug "in short term."

The company expects to launch the medicine in the United States in 2019, he said.

Humira's U.S. patent will expire in late 2016 and AbbVie has said it will take years for other drugmakers to develop and win approval for their own generic versions.

Cadila has meetings scheduled with the U.S. and Europe regulators next year, Patel said. "It's a very attractive market, there are many, many companies working on this product."

Biosimilars are expected to account for about one quarter of the $100 billion worth of sales stemming from off-patent biological drugs by the end of the decade, a study compiled by Thomson Reuters BioWorld said in September.

Several hundred companies around the world are chasing the biosimilars market, including Indian generic drugmakers Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd, Cipla Ltd and Lupin Ltd.

($1 = 61.8800 Indian rupees) (Reporting by Zeba Siddiqui in Mumbai; Editing by Sumeet Chatterjee and Anupama Dwivedi)

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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-12-11 07:44:51 | 只看该作者


发布日期:2014-12-10  来源:pmlive  




在ASH会议上,默沙东报道了由29名先前使用Seattle Genetics的Adcetris (brentuximab vedotin)治疗过及部分经过干细胞移植但疾病又恶化患者参与的1期临床试验结果。使用Keytruda每两周治疗一次,治疗两年后,有6位患者(21%)获得完全缓解,有13名患者(45%)获得部分缓解。

同样,一项由23名患者参与、每两周使用一次的Opdivo 1期试验发现,总有效率达到87%,4名患者获得完全缓解,另有16名患者获得部分缓解(70%)。据这项研究称,临床试验中大多数患者尽管早期以Adcetris治疗过及进行过干细胞移植,但他们再次看到其淋巴瘤出现恶化,这项研究发布在《新英格兰医学期刊》上。

Keytruda研究中的主要研究者-纽约Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心的Moskowitz表示,对于多数患者来讲,试验数据是令人信服的,因为这是他们最后的机会。“重要的是对这款药物与其它药物合并用药,甚至作为一款维持治疗药物进行进一步评价,以提高移植后的免疫响应,”他如是称。





http://www.pmlive.com/pharma_new ... h_conference_622370

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