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[新药快讯] 赛诺菲糖尿病实验新药Toujeo接替来得时

静悄悄 发表于 2014-6-23 09:07:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2014-06-22  来源:新药汇

  帮助领导其中一项研究的意大利佩鲁贾大学教授格雷米亚・波利(Geremia Bolli)表示,低血糖事件(尤其是在夜间发生)是一个大问题,因为它们让人恐惧,是使用胰岛素的一个障碍。波利在美国糖尿病协会于旧金山举行的会议上介绍了他的研究结果。
  帮助领导这项研究的德克萨斯奥斯汀大学糖尿病与内分泌学的汤姆・布莱文斯(Tom Blevins)表示,针对这只甘精胰岛素新产品所开展的完整的临床试验显示,它在患者体内以类似的方式发挥治疗作用,并且产生了与来得时相类似的临床结果。

New rivals to top diabetes drug Lantus show promise in studies
By Ransdell Pierson
June 14 (Reuters) - Diabetes patients stand to benefit from two experimental insulin therapies that could eventually replac Sanofi's global leader Lantus, according to results from large clinical trials released on Saturday.
Sanofi's experimental new drug Toujeo is being positioned to succeed Lantus, whose annual sales approach $8 billion, when it loses patent protection early next year. Eli Lilly and Co is gearing up to sell a copycat version of Lantus, which industry analysts say could bring in up to $600 million a year by 2020.
Both treatments are basal insulins, which help diabetics keep blood sugar levels under control between meals and throughout the day.
Late-stage studies of Toujeo showed that patients with type 2 diabetes were 31 percent less likely at nighttime to have potentially dangerous declines in blood sugar than those taking Lantus, the world's most prescribed insulin, researchers said on Saturday.
Such episodes of hypoglycemia, in which patients can faint or lose consciousness, are the most feared side effect of insulins.
"Low blood sugar events, especially at night, are a big deal because they are frightening and are a barrier to use of insulin," Dr. Geremia Bolli, a professor at the University of Perugia, Italy, who helped lead one of the studies, said in a telephone interview. He presented his findings at the American Diabetes Association meeting in San Francisco.
More than 370 million people worldwide have diabetes, with up to 95 percent of them having type 2, a condition often triggered by obesity, according to the International Diabetes Federation. The disease raises the risk of numerous serious health problems.
Toujeo has the same active ingredient as Lantus, called insulin glargine, but in a three-fold higher concentration, Bolli said. Its activity level does not jump overnight, as is the case with Lantus.
The hypoglycemia data came from a combined review of three Phase III studies sponsored by Sanofi. The studies also showed that Toujeo and Lantus were similarly effective in controlling overall blood sugar and are the basis for Sanofi's recently filed U.S. marketing application for Toujeo.
The new drug is also awaiting approval in Europe.
In a fourth late-stage study involving patients with type 1 diabetes - the less common, inherited form of the disease - rates of hypoglycemia and overall blood sugar control were similar for Toujeo and Lantus.
While France's Sanofi develops the successor to its cash cow, a potential rival from U.S. drugmaker Eli Lilly proved just as effective and safe as Lantus for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, including similar incidence of hypoglycemia.
Results for the Lilly drug, which has the same molecular formula as Lantus, were based on six studies sponsored by Lilly and its partner Boehringer Ingelheim.
"Completed clinical trials for this new insulin glargine product show that it works similarly in the body and produces clinical results similar to Lantus," said Dr. Tom Blevins of Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology in Austin, Texas, who helped lead the research.
Wall Street is expecting the copycat, called LY2963016, to be priced significantly lower than Lantus, in order to attract patients once Lantus loses patent protection.
Although awaiting approval in the United States, Europe and Japan, its U.S. launch could be delayed until mid-2016 by an ongoing patent dispute with Sanofi.
Lilly said the drug will not be designated a biosimilar, or biotech generic, in the United States, which does not yet have legislation regulating copycats of such drugs. Instead, it will be marketed as a branded medicine.
Lilly is also developing its own new basal insulin, called peglispro, which in clinical trial results released earlier this year, proved more effective than Lantus in reducing blood sugar levels for patients with type 2 diabetes. It also caused significantly fewer episodes of overnight hypoglycemia.
Lilly expects to seek U.S. and European approvals early next year for the drug. But patients taking peglispro had seriously elevated liver enzymes, a sign of potential liver toxicity, which could give Toujeo an advantage. (Aadditional reporting by Bill Berkrot in New York and Natalie Huet in Paris; Editing by Michele Gershberg, Bernard Orr)


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